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Do you listen to studies?
I get so frustrated when I hear studies about what may or may not be true. I.E. there's a study out today that living in a rainy area may predispose your child to autism. WHAT??? It also seems like every other week, eggs are good for me then they're not.
Does anyone else get frustrated by these studies, and do you change your lifestyle according to the results??
Like statistics, studies can be slanted to suit the needs of the people who have funded them ... I read that the pomegranate craze in the U.S. has been fueled in large part by the people who produce the most pomegranates. They commissioned studies on the health benefits of pomegranates and spent millions to advertise/promote them. In return they get millions and millions of dollars from the people rushing out to consume anything with pomegranate in it!
I think there are loads of studies that can be regarded with merit. But you have to be careful with relying too much on the millions of studies that are out there.
They are frustrating for a number of reasons: Not only can they make you go crazy, but they often times involve conflicting advice.
The thing to keep in mind is that a lot of these "studies" are funded by organizations or companies that have an ulterior motive. The "results" prove beneficial to their business or cause.
For real answers, consult a trusted doc. Otherwise, you'll end up in a whirlwind of misdiagnosis and potentially unhealthy choices.
Like aliciaK said, take 'em with a grain of salt!
I read some of them, but with a grain of salt. Even if it's by a famous research university, it's ONE study, usually on a very small sliver of society. So many of them seem comparable to fad diets--all talk!