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l have been taking Lyrica, and I am not in as much pain from my Fibromyalga.I am working more outside,and taking care of my grand babies,age 5 and 5 months.It lifts my spirits to have them. It gives me a reason to get out of bed at 7:30 every morning. Or I just sleep the day away. My nephew 14 years old, gives me a reason to get up and hang out with him. I have taken care of him since he was 4 months old. My kids are grown,35 and 30. The 30 year old is back home,but he takes care of himself. He cooks if I don't feel like it, and helps around the house. I just want anyone

Shared by ladythom on 6/24/08

I have successfully helped several friends with FM, by just getting chemicals out of their homes - cleaners, shampoos, food etc.. and by getting them on good nutritionals. If you are interested in learning more please let me know and I would love to help you. If you don't contact me or feel funny doing it through this site, just do yourself a favor and get the clorox, pinesol, pledge, herbal essence, JOhnson baby products, commercial perfumes and expensive vitamins out of your home. I know that just converting to natural products will reduce symptoms assocaited with FM.

anuhealisa at iglide dot net


My spouse was toldc today he had it,prescribed cymbalta.Go to WEB MD. follown upon it.

  • By acatt35
  • on 7/8/08 10:26 PM EST

I''ve had Fibromyalgia for 34 years, when the doctors' had no name for it and that the pains I was feeling really weren't there. I only imagined them. I did try Lyrica but I was alway loosing my bowels in my panties. Not a good feeling.


I did not get to finish. This is ladythom, I want anyone suffering to talk to their Dr. about Lyrica, It sure helps me and my daughter is a Nurse Practioiner and she perscribes this to a lot of patientsand it helps them. So anyone with Fibromyalga, Please give it a try. ladythom