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Lee Thomas

Lee Thomas

Journalist, television broadcaster and author of Turning White...

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Julie Hryniewicz-Hache

Julie Hryniewicz-Hache

Keynote speaker, life consultant, seminar leader and author...

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Patrick Mathieu

Patrick Mathieu

Author of What’s Your Expiry Date?: Embrace Your Mortality...

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I have had fibroidmyalgia for about 10 years and have suffered alot. I recently went to an alternative medicine doctor and had a work up done and while my insurance doesn't pay for this was given all kinds of vitamins to build my imune system up and know  for the first time in years I don't have to take any pain pills just to be able to function in daily life. Its great. Wish I would have gone 10 years ago. Maybe I could have prevented a lot of days of hurting and staying in bed due to so much pain.

Shared by patjphn2 on 7/20/08

Thanks for your advice to you and everyone else. I've been very frustrated with the pain every day (mostly in my back, after sitting awhile.) Lyrica didn't really help because I've been taking Neurontin for more then 10 years for headaches. What exactly is a alternative medicine doctor?
I had to quit my part time job because there was too much heavy lifting. It will probably be hard for me to get another job, because I'm not very good at typing.