Always get a 2nd opinion before a major surgery/medical decision.
Sometimes when a general practioner gives you a diagnosis, double check with another Dr, a specialist who can give you all the info needed. Even consider a 3rd one if the first 2 are completely different.
Shared by bugsybarb on 10/25/08
I have experienced this on a personal level, and I completely agree. This is not a matter of undermining a health professional's ability, but, instead, that they are human, too. Sometimes, they miss very important things that another doctor might catch. You can also view a second opinion as reassurance -- when you have two people giving you the same diagnosis, then you can feel confident moving forward with how to handle it.
Agreed. This can't be emphasized enough. I went to four different doctors and still had surgery that turned out not to be needed. You can never be too careful.