I've Got Chicks, They're Multiplyin'...
You were just saying you wanted a change of pace, right? Take your pick—water buffalo, heifer, llama, pig, chicks—your choice. No barn or experience necessary, because you’re buying it for someone else. Someone who may finally be able to start thinking about a new pace of life with your help.
Go to Heifer.org, click the red Give link and select Online Gift Catalog. There, you’ll see a list of gifts—mostly animals—that you can donate to people around the world to help them become more self-reliant. Click any one to read more about it. You can even buy a share of an animal. After all, every little bit helps.
The best part is, your gift will keep on multiplying. The recipient of the gift agrees to pass the first offspring of the animal on to another family in need, then they pass their first offspring on, and so on and on...