Weekend Waistline Watch.

Funny, this bathing suit fit last year. Maybe it shrunk. They sure don’t make fabrics like they used to.
Or you don’t eat like you used to, especially on the weekends. It’s an easy trap to fall into. You work hard all week, and when the weekend finally arrives, you’re ready to treat yourself. An extra plate of barbecue here, a fruity, tropical concoction there… Hey, you need this once in a while.
But all those once in a whiles—52 of them, to be exact—add up. According to a study by Pamela Haines, associate professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina, we eat an average of 115 extra calories each day of the weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). It doesn’t sound like much, but over the course of a year, you’re looking at five extra pounds.
No wonder that suit doesn’t fit. Limit your special “treats.” Go for the giant ice cream sundae on Sunday, as long as you didn’t have extra cheesy French fries on Friday and too many saturated fats on Saturday. OK, OK, your pick—have it any weekend day you want!