Let's Hug It Out.

The next time you’re preparing a barrage of insults, accusations or demands to hurl at your spouse, kid, best friend, whomever, try this instead: Look the person straight in the eye and say (in the words of Entourage’s Ari Gold), “Let’s hug it out.”
Granted, you won’t be able to release all that negative energy in your typical, diarrhea-of-the-mouth fashion, but the world’s got enough pollution. Hugs can help melt away negative emotions before they do their damage. And if preserving a relationship isn’t reason enough, there’s something in it just for you: Hugs have been shown to reduce stress, resulting in better emotional and physical health.
So hug and be hugged, even when you aren’t in the middle of an argument. It just plain feels good.
Provided the other person is a willing participant—otherwise, results may vary.
I really think this is a interesting article!
Would like to hear from other that I can talk to along this line of talking information!
oh yes i completely agree with this one..no doubts regardin dat!!!!