Dog Days

Hot summer days call for trips to the neighborhood pool, the beach or an air-conditioned mall—even the office feels pretty good this morning, doesn't it? But if you think you’re hot, imagine how your pets feel under all that fur. Make sure you keep them comfortable, too!
Whether you leave Fido or Felix at home or take him with you, make sure he has extra water (ice is nice), plenty of shade and a comfortable place to rest. And not to state the obvious, but never leave your pet shut inside a car, garage or other space without plenty of airflow. For more information on warm weather pet safety, including signs of heat stroke, check in here.
Wondering where the phrase “Dog Days of Summer” comes from? Sirius (the Dog Star), the brightest star in the night sky, was believed by ancient cultures to be the cause of the hottest weather. Why not try chilling out tonight with your family and friends (both furry and non) under the stars? See if you can identify some constellations and enjoy the show nature provides. We bet it's even more fun than fireworks!