Say It Loud, Say It Proud.

Happy Fourth, fellow Americans. Let’s celebrate! Fireworks, picnics, barbecues, parades, a day off—across the nation, it’s one giant red, white and blue party.
(Get ready, here comes the serious, introspective part.)
As we're all enjoying the day with our nearest and dearest, let's try to remember that it’s not all about the biggest fireworks displays and piping the same number of stars and stripes on every cupcake. Today, spend a few minutes reflecting upon what we’re really celebrating—our freedom. Try to imagine what the founding fathers went through to give us this Independence Day (If you don’t remember much from history class, look up some facts online.)
In the spirit of independence, exercise your right to free speech by writing a letter expressing your opinion to a senator, congressman, editor of a publication or anyone else in a position of authority or influence. Your words as a citizen count—some would say now more than ever.
Enjoy the day, everyone! And yes, enjoy those cupcakes while you watch the pyrotechnics in the sky, too. It's OK to have a little fun, afer all!
I pray that every one had a very safe fourth and got home safe I also pray for our men and women that are serving our country in iraq and any where the is fighting that they come home soon safe to their families and the someday all countries will learn to get along and there is no more fighting and that the young kids of today learn how to wear their cloths. stop and look in the mirror at their back side at how gross it looks to see the butts hanging out of their pants. they might as well not even wear any pants at all, that would be all we need ugly butts hanging out every where. I laugh at those that wear their pants down under their butt when they are waking and they happen to fall down. girls don't you like to be able to see nice cute butts on guys and guys don't you like to see girl with nice figures showing and not just their top part of underwear. WAKE UP AND GROW UP