Why, Thank You!

When you’re feeling down in the dumps and someone says, Look on the bright side, does that make you feel better? Of course not. But if someone says, Look in the bright confidence box, now that’s a different story.
It’s hard to remember anything good when you’re feeling low. A confidence box reminds you of all your great qualities. It’s the proof--and yes, there is proof!--that you do, in fact, have a lot going for you.
Find an old shoe box (or go out and spend a fortune on some high-falutin’ fabric-covered chest) and start filling it with compliments that you receive from others. Print out positive notes from co-workers, customers or the boss and put them in the box. Add performance reviews, thank-you notes, birthday cards or anything else that makes you feel good.
Whenever you’re feeling blue, grab your box and start reading for an instant happiness rush. Allowing yourself to acknowledge that you do matter to others and that you have a positive impact on their lives can be just what you need, especially if you're trying to get through a change.
I don't keep a confidence box, but I do keep cards that people have sent me. It's nice to dip into those sentiments.
It reminds me of the half full v half empty mentality. I have always believed that the choice has to be half full. I love this idea and will add to a box I keep pictures in. Thanks!
Great advice! I do this all the time mentally but never had a name for it. It works for sports, parenting :P and at work!