It's a SAD Month

Fall is here. Most people claim, in light of the shorter days, to be stricken with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). It’s no wonder they named October Depression Education and Awareness Month.
Contrary to popular belief, sufferers can’t make depression go away by “looking on the bright side.” It’s a biochemical imbalance that typically requires medical intervention. Summing up, if you know someone who’s depressed, don’t say, “C’mon, pull it together.”
If you’re the one who’s depressed, first and foremost, stop listening to people that tell you to pull it together. You aren’t weak, and you won’t feel this way forever--your brain’s just experiencing some technical difficulties. Depression expert, Dr. Andrew Jones says the most important thing to do is to realize you aren’t alone. And get some help--you won’t necessarily have to take anti-depressants. According to Jones, there are natural remedies that can help you feel better faster, like Neptune Krill Oil, magnesium, calcium and amino acids from food. If you’d like to introduce supplements and dietary changes into your diet, always consult your doctor first.
For more advice on depression, be sure to visit our guide for Dealing with Depression.