It's Never Too Early

We all know the tip about laying clothes out the night before. It saves you from having to “throw something together” on your way out the door.
But let’s back up just a wee bit. What if you were to plan your outfit for tomorrow when you take off the one you’re wearing today? Sounds a little premature, we know, but look at it this way: You’re already in front of the closet, and you’re still relatively fresh, meaning you’re that much less likely to put the whole process off until morning because you’re too tired.
The alternative--a rushed morning--means 5 minutes to dress, ixnay on the nutritious breakfast and good luck remembering if that meeting starts at 7:45 or 8:15. All good reasons to give it a try. If you really want to change the way you approach your day, try resetting the table at night after the dishes, to keep everyone’s junk off during the day. Now that’s brilliant organization.
Using either of these tips will help you feel less like you're fighting to stay on top of the little things and more open to tackling the real problems that need your creative solutions! Tell us how you stay organized by staying on top of the day.
It works forme-EVERYTIME!