Cheap Date Ideas

Welcome to another Friday night. We're guessing it's gonna sound like this:
There isn’t much on TV. How about a movie on demand?
You mean it? Sure, okay!
We know the economy stinks and we're all trying to be frugal by staying in more often. There's nothing wrong with being smart about your money right now....but it might be time to consider other forms of free and cheap entertainment. Whether you’ve been married for years and have a couple of rugrats asleep upstairs or are peacefully coexisting in a dating relationship, times like this call for strengthening your relationship with creative date ideas, not sitting side-by-side staring at a box.
We know it’s hard to find the time, the energy or a good babysitter. But once in a while you need to get your sad selves up off the couch and leave the scene of your daily stress. Take turns planning fun date nights and write them on the calendar, so they’ll actually happen.
Most museums have free Fridays or "pay what you will night" during the week. Or try brown-bagging it all week, then splurge on a movie that you've both been dying to see. Can't afford the evening show? Try a Saturday morning matinee! If all else fails and you do need to stay home, shut off the TV, cook a meal together and try an actual conversation. We'll bet that after dinner, you'll find ample ways to entertain one another...