The To-Do List of a Lifetime

Pay credit card bills, check! Go food-shopping, check! Climb Mt. Everest...still in training...
You create to-do lists to successfully complete all your day's work, but what about your life's work? Organizing your life goals can help you create a positive outlook towards change, and life in general. If you have the willpower to carry out your goals, you will realize you have the power to make all your hopes and dreams come true.
Today, take some time to think about what is on your life to-do list and write down your goals in order of what is most important to you. Don't forget to include what you have already achieved! Here at First30Days, we've gotten married, graduated college and gotten a masters degree, had our hair blonde, brunette and red (but not all at once!), moved to a different city, played cello at Carnegie Hall in New York City, ran a marathon and competed in a triathlon!
Even with all we have achieved, we are still aiming to visit all 50 states, compete in a half Ironman, make a film, move to another country, see all seven wonders of the ancient world, travel Europe and write a novel. What a life!
Now that you know what is on our life to-do list, what is on yours? What have you already crossed off?
What's fun about life to-do lists is that when you look back on them you see how much you've accomplished.