Your Happy Life List

Humans are list-makers by nature. Grocery lists, gift lists, lists of places to visit and things to do before we die (also known as "bucket lists.")
So we think it's about time we harnessed that natural proclivity and started making Happy-Life Lists (with credit to Self magazine for the idea!) These aren't necessarily lists of all the things that make you happy right now or that you're grateful for...though there's nothing wrong with doing that. This kind of list can really help you define what you want out of life—this list is the kind you make when you want to focus your priorities and bring into your life more positive energy and drive that will keep you on track toward your goals.
For instance, maybe your Happy-Life List includes going back to school to get a better job to provide more for your kids (or just challenge you more.) Perhaps you just want to be healthier by quitting smoking and exercising. The main thing to remember here is that this list, unlike many others, is just for you. There's no pressure, no deadline to cross things off. It's a list of wishes, values, hopes and dreams. If it helps, think of it as a word-based vision board. It's all about projecting what you want and then going for it when you're ready!
What's on your life list?
This is a great idea!
As this is written . . . . I see myself:
FREE!! The divorce is not yet final, but in the spring . . .
Review & renew massage training, go for state & national
Carve out a space, no matter how small, for meditation,
praying, thinking, being . . .
Volunteer to help others at a local senior facility or hospice
with Reiki & other healing energy modalities
Renew, renovate, & enrich me, as a person, through
courses, classes, workshops
Write my memoirs
Taking time out to have fun!
Surprise someone with a flower, smile at passersby, put a
coin in an "expired" parking meter, open the door for a frail
person, actively listen to someone who needs to talk, hug
Meet new people and visit new places
Walk in the mountains or on the beach, watch children at
play, look at the sun set & the moon rise, experience the
dolphins at play
Laugh and sing out loud!
Consiously live in the "now."
For all life's adventures -- the fun, joyious ones And the less
than happy ones, GIVE THANKS!