Scare Yourself Silly

That delicious feeling of excess endorphins floating around your bloodstream isn’t always the result of warm, fuzzy moments like listening to Mozart or consumating a relationship. Watch a decent horror flick, like "The Exorcist," and we bet your endorphin levels will climb right up there with Harry’s and Sally’s over there. (They sure do love their Mozart.) That’s because being scared releases endorphins.
And adrenaline, too. Talk about a feel-good combination. Quick, get to the nearest Six Flags and jump on one of those huge coasters!
Unfortunately, the only roller coaster you can ride every day is the one we call life, so you’ll need to find other ways to bring the fear factor into your life. In particular, the horror section of your local video or book store is overflowing with endorphin-boosting selections. Pick one up today and get giddy.
So that’s what scare yourself silly means.
The last scary movie that affected me like this was Cloverfield, but that had as much to do with the shaky camera action as the thrills.