A Place to Start

If you woke up and took a deep breath this morning, raise your hand. That was the collective sigh of a nation ready for a new year, a fresh start, a chance at a new beginning. Do you know what you silently just wished for?
We’ll give you a hint: Change.
No matter where you’ve been or what you’ve accomplished, change has been there. Accept this fact, and suddenly, making changes in your life doesn’t seem so hard. Change is going to happen to you—you might as well take the reins and make it happen for you. You know, be proactive.
This year, approach the changes you want to make armed and ready with the information you need for success. There are nine principles that anyone who makes change successfully knows. For those of you who have been getting these emails awhile, this information is good to review as you head into a new year. If you're new to our site, take some time to think on these principles and how you might incorporate them into your life.
What change principles are important to you this year? How will you make them real and tangible in your daily life?
I'm going to use today to reflect on the past and what sort of changes I want and need to make in my life; the way I live each day, what I choose to eat or drink, how I can keep my body and mind healthly. I want to make changes so that I am happy with myself and those around me are as well. I'm feeling hopeful today. Happy New Year to all ~~~