Slow and Steady

You didn’t exactly make it to the gym after work last night. Instead, you, uh… well, you sorta went on a shopping spree. After that—and now your head is really hanging in shame—you ate a whole roll of cookie dough or smoked half a pack of cigarettes.
You what?!
Okay, okay, so you broke a few resolutions. Give yourself a break already. It’s only the second day. These things take time. Either that or maybe you’ve set the bar too high.
Think of some smaller, more manageable goals to focus on for the month of January. For example, instead of cutting shopping out altogether, consider cutting out weekend sprees, when you tend to do the most damage. Or, if you can't seem to stop calling your ex, delete their number from your phone.
Setting and attaining more manageable goals can help put you in the positive mindset necessary for tackling those bigger ones down the road. Need some help? Check out our recommendations for resolution success. And remember: You have the whole year to work on these things. Try not to pressure yourself to change all at once.
They've done some studies lately on multi-tasking and have proven that people really aren't doing two things at once, they're just switching between one and the other ... ultimately, though, what they've found is that when you focus on just one thing you have a higher chance of getting it done and more quickly.