What You Can Learn from MacWorld

The 2009 MacWorld Conference and Expo runs from January 5-9. "Who cares?" you say...well, you should, and here's why.
As always, participants will be able to meet new people, share stories, access hundreds of Mac products and services and attend presentations, conferences and demonstrations galore. But the thing that makes this expo different from years past is that its Apple’s last.
Not the last Macworld, necessarily, but the last time Apple will participate. And without Apple there to deliver their inspiring keynote presentation and show off cool new technology, it’ll be the last one to attract so many developers and enthusiasts.
What can we learn from all this? Why, the fact that all things must come to end, of course. It’s all impermanent—everything. The sooner we realize this, the better we’ll be able to accept whatever life presents calmly and coolly.
So while it may not seem like a big deal to you that Apple is out at MacWorld, there are probably things in your life that are ending or have come to an end recently. Take stock of how you’re feeling about that. If there are unresolved feelings, take the time to work on clearing them up. If you’re ready to blaze ahead, good for you! Learning to deal with the impermanence of life makes every day a bit easier to deal with.
It's always sad to see something good come to an end. I hope that this and our endings are replaced with something just as good and inspiring. And we have to work at it and not just wish for it.
Mac world coming to an end? The sky is falling! This is the first i have heard of this. Such bad news so early in the morning, but point well taken, all good things do seem to come to an end.
In my life, i seem to be a poster boy for this thought. and it is hard to accept sometimes. So many rich experiences, but yes they all do come to an end and not because i want them to.
Sure has made me flexible and very experienced at the skill of letting go and allowing life to unfold. I wonder what rich experience will come to be the new mac expo?