Sometimes It Feels So Bad

You feel down and out pretty much constantly. Everyone keeps telling you to “buck up” or “deal with it.” You’ve tried, and you just can’t. Nothing seems to help. You’re so tired of feeling bad…you don’t even care anymore.
If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. This year, about 20 million other Americans will suffer from some sort of depression right along with you. And just like you, they won’t be able to will it away. Depression is a biochemical imbalance that feels like a dark cloud hanging over every aspect of your life. The only way to feel better (and that’s the good news—it is treatable) is to get help.
For tips on dealing with mild depression—i.e., you’re feeling down, but can still make it through the day—check out our depression-survival guide. Of course, if you or someone you know can’t get out of bed in the morning or is talking suicide, seek professional help immediately.