Sustain Your Going Green Efforts

Whether you’ve been eco-friendly for years or you’re newly enthusiastic about going green, you’ll be most successful if you surround yourself with the right people.
“Avoid people who use guilt trips and focus on gloom-and-doom scenarios to get you to go green,” suggests author and radio-show host, Josh Dorfman, also known as The Lazy Environmentalist. “Those people are unhelpful.”
Instead, get information and support from people who offer positive reinforcement. For example, Dorfman suggests attending a monthly Green Drinks happy hour, where people from all walks of life gather to meet friends and learn how to be more green. “It will help you tap into the green community,” says Dorfman, “which can be an awesome resource for sharing green ideas and staying inspired to continue on the environmentally conscious path.” To locate a chapter near you, go here.
And you can read more of Josh Dorfman's advice on going green here.