Beauty's All Around Us

Ever wonder how many things you're missing out on in life, because you're too busy to stop and appreciate them? We become so focused on our own lives and thoughts that we tend to ignore the beauty around us.
Consider the story of the violinist who played for an hour in L'Enfant Plaza Station in Washington D.C. Out of approximately 2,000 passers by, almost no one stopped to listen.
The violinist was none other than Joshua Bell, one of the finest musicians in the world, playing classical masterpieces on a $3.5 M Stradivarius violin! The Washington Post arranged the performance as a social experiment. They wondered, "in a banal setting at an inconvenient time, would beauty transcend?"
Don't wait for someone to tell you what's good and what isn't. Beauty is all around us, if we just take the time to stop and listen.
This is so true. We must take the time to stop to look and listen to what beautiful things are around us. Too many times we lose sight of the beautiful surroundings we have around us because we are so busy. This article reminds us we get a fresh start everyday. Make it count everyday!
This article is a very good reminder to everyone who is so consumed in their lives that they forget to look around and appreciate what is around us. This definitely hit a spot in my heart. Today, I promise to take it slow, be aware of nature and the people I will encounter as I go about my day. Thank you!
I appreciate beauty most days. However, other than vacations, my weekends tend to be the only time i really take it in. My pace of life slows enough allowing me time to take it all in. Be it a walk by the river Thames, enjoying the London architecture, or admiring the beauty of my wife and living in that moment realising how lucky i am, i try harder each day to have this. Unfortunately work and life stresses can get in the way.
We live on a beautiful lake, but really don't spend much time enjoying it. We let too many things interfere with just taking in it's beauty.