My Epiphany Story

There's an amazing peace and calmness that comes from knowing that you're on the right path in life, and that you're consistently listening to your inner voice. When I started getting unexplained rashes all over my body, I realized I hadn't been listening to mine.
Every morning, as I headed off to my high-level corporate job, my inner microphone tried to tell me something wasn't right, but I turned it off. It wasn't until my body told me loud and clear, "you're allergic to your life," that I finally listened.
As I moved away from the corporate world and started down a new life path, I had an epiphany. I realized that every single time something has not felt right, I've always known. There's a part of me that's always on, guiding me, telling me if I'm on my soul path. I can either resist it and think, "no, no, no, you don’t know as much as I do," or I can open myself to its truth and intuition and live the life of my dreams.
Watch my entire epiphany story on Elise Ballard’s Epiphany web site.
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