Before You Buy a Diamond

Thinking of popping the question this holiday season? Remember, when it comes to buying a diamond, it's important to know more than the famous four Cs—cut, color, clarity and carat weight. "That's exactly how the few dishonest jewelers can mislead you," warns Robert Hensley, president of, a site dedicated to helping you buy a quality diamond. "You need to go beyond that to compare quality and prices intelligently."
Beyond research, you need to find a jeweler you can rely on to tell you the truth from his level of expertise. Hensley advises looking for a jeweler who
- has been in business for a minimum of 10 to 20 years
- has sent its inventory to Gemological Institute of America (GIA), the American Gem Society (AGS) or the European Gemological Society (EGS) for grading reports; and will show that paperwork alongside the diamonds
- has a microscope so you can look at the stones yourself
- has a graduate gemologist on staff (someone fully trained by GIA)
- has a long-standing track record of honoring guarantees after the sale
- will order whatever you want to see, rather than just selling what's in stock
- never pushes you to buy something before you're ready
Posted: 12/16/09
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What I don't see mentioned in this snippet is if you are going to buy diamonds, ask if they are from a conflict free zone and what efforts the seller has gone through to make sure they are. That diamond begins to look pretty ugly if it has cost someone their livelihood, limb or life.