Start Your Day All Fired Up

If you want to bring more energy and enthusiasm into your life, spend ten minutes each morning reconnecting with your clarity and passion. Performance consultant and speaker, Jay Forte, author of Fire Up! Your Employees and Smoke Your Competition, suggests these four quick steps:
1. Read from someone who inspires you to be your best. Find several authors and read from their works to activate your spirit, energy and internal fire.
2. Recommit to your purpose of vision. Ask yourself, what am I all about? How do I add value? What impact do I make? Reaffirm your value to yourself and to others.
3. Identify three things you are grateful for. Notice what you have and what makes you happy, instead of what's missing and what upsets you. Choose to see the good and to be optimistic.
4. Identify three people who need to hear something positive from you. You may be the solution or the act of kindness that others need as they work through their challenges. Be available. Stay connected.
Read more about Jay Forte in our Profiles of Change gallery.