Did You Blow Your Resolutions?

The calendar may say February, but that doesn't mean it's time to give up on your resolutions. In a recent momlogic.com article, I offer some simple tips for getting started on positive changes regardless of the day, month, or year.
Quit Smoking
Take yoga classes. Yoga is about the breath coming back into the body, which is also what smokers crave.
Turn Off Electronics
Never sleep with a cell, BlackBerry, iPhone, or laptop in the same room. The radiation emitted disturbs your sleep patterns. There's more and more evidence that having them around you—in a bag, in a pocket, or up to your ear—is toxic. So, as a precaution, minimize their use.
Don't think of it as meditating. That word scares people. Think of it as doing absolutely nothing. Just sit and observe your thoughts, your feelings, your intuition and whatever else comes up.
Live Life with More Gratitude
Keep a small gratitude journal and carry it with you. Write down everything that you feel is working out—little things, big things, how life is helping you out, and so on.
You may read all 10 tips here.
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