A Struggling Economy Is the Perfect Time to Reinvent Yourself

If you find yourself unemployed and wondering what to do next, consider taking the time to discover what your true talents and passions are and how you might best offer them to the world. Kathi Burns, author of How to Master Your Muck—Get Organized. Add Space To Your Life. Live Your Purpose!, says it wasn't until she lost her tourism-related business shortly after 9/11 that she was finally able to stop and take a serious look at what she wanted to do. "Without 9/11, I would not be living my purpose and offering my highest talents to the world," she points out.
Burns acknowledges how hard it is to jump off the "money train" once you're on it. But as she sees it, that's even more of a reason to see being dumped off as the perfect opportunity to begin anew. "Take this golden opportunity to recreate your life," she advises. "Some of the most successful businesses in the world began when the economy was in recession." Think of Apple and Microsoft.
Perhaps the Universe is saying to you, "it's time now."