2010 Tapping World Summit

As you know if you spend more than five minutes online looking for information to change your life, there is a lot of "stuff" out there. Much of it is theoretical, processes and ideas that sound good but at the end of the day, don't give you RESULTS.
And if I'm about one thing, it's RESULTS.
And what I want to share with you today is a technique that delivers such tremendous results, quickly, that it falls into the "I can't believe this works this well" category after people use it.
Check out the video on to learn about this amazing technique:
The video has a great clip in the middle from an unbelievable film that stars Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, Cheryl Richardson, Dr. Joseph Mercola and others (And, no, it's not "The Secret.") :)
Whether you want to deal with emotional blocks, anxiety, anger, past traumas or phobias, or you want to release physical pain and drop those extra pounds, this technique is a gateway to making that happen for you.
And my personal favorite, it helps you, in a big way, attract what you want into your life by clearing out the negative and limiting beliefs you may be holding.
They're teaching both the basics and advanced strategies for this technique in a f.r.e.e online event this month. They ran a similar event last year and had over 81,000 people attend!
And after you attend, please let me know about your individual results, because these stories of change and transformation is what makes my day!
Trust me. This event is different than any other online event you've ever heard of.
P.S. - Remember, there's no charge for this event and when you register you actually get five really cool audios to listen to right away so that you can learn the basics of this technique and see the results for yourself immediately.
Dear Ariane,
I was lucky to be one of the last to get the Basic and Advanced EFT
Certificates from PACE under the guidance of Dr. Patricia Carrington....
The results are phenomenal to put it mildly.
I feel very blessed.