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Say Goodbye to Office Gym Weirdness

Say Goodbye to Office Gym Weirdness

If you walked into an office meeting and saw your boss sitting there naked, you would be a little bit shocked, to say the least, right? Well, while that situation is not likely to happen—let's hope at least—that is exactly the type of awkward position some office mates may find themselves in when using the locker room at the office gym. And that’s one among many.

No doubt about it—a fitness center is a great employee incentive. Or is it? Sure, squeezing in a quick treadmill session during your lunch hour does sound like a perk. But more and more, office professionals are finding that mixing sweat with work can be a bit uncomfortable. Still, gym-goers say there are a few guidelines that can help things remain simple, and keep the weirdness out of the workplace.

*Don't leave your sweat behind. Be sure to use a towel to wipe down all equipment when you are done using it.

*Bring fresh workout gear. Wearing the same clothes day in and day out can get smelly, so keep it clean by changing up your sweat attire.

*Don’t be a machine hog. You know the runner who completely ignores the 30-minute time rule? Avoid being an equipment glutton by sticking to the rules when you see people waiting.

What’s more, the following rules apply to any gym situation, so keep them in mind the next time you hit the elliptical or weight rack. Your gym buddies—or coworkers in some cases—will thank you. And as for the boss sans clothing—well, just try to time your shower a bit better. [The Miami Herald]

Posted: 6/11/08