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what should I do with my man?
me and my boyfriend have been dating for about a year and sence he has got his lap top computer all he does, is get on it when he is home... does not thing else but talk on his phone to all his ex's and all what should I do I need help... life can't go on like this forever... its like i am just a live in house keeper and keep him happy at night....I don't know what to do I mean life sucks... I just want to be held and know that I am loved and all...
My name is veart(single). I was impressed when i saw your profile today at and i will like to establish a long lasting relationship with you. In addition,i will like you to reply me through this my private e-mail box(veartwani@ymail.com)
waiting to hear from you soon.
I will send to you my pictures in my next mail through this my mail box
sweetheart ,
I think this guy is not serious about you because if he was he wouldnt do it in the open.him talkin on the phone and you are there he shows you he does not care or respect you.
leave him
It's normal for boys to become obsessed with their new toys, but this seems a bit extreem. You deserve to get as much out of a relationship as you're putting in. There are plenty of guys out there who would leap at the chance to have an attentive and caring girlfriend. The best place to start when you're looking for love is with yourself. Remind yourself of how great you are and you'll see that this guy needs to step it up or get the boot.
I have to imagine you've said something to him about this. If not, you need to let him know his behavior is hurtful.
The computer might be a symptom ... if not the computer and he got a new car, he'd probably be outside with the new car. If he was into tools and he got a new drill, he'd probably be walking around drilling stuff. My point is, maybe what you're seeing is the real person and it's not looking too good right now. Anything he can pay attention to other than you is getting his attention.
You deserve to be loved and respected and treated right. Tell him how you feel and if you don't think his behavior is acceptable (and you're not going to accept it), make a plan for moving out or away from him.
If that doesn't wake him up maybe he's not worth waiting around for.