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Meow and Woof for Good Health

Meow and Woof for Good Health

If you are a dog or cat lover, then chances are you talk about your pets just like they are one of the family—and they are!
But one thing you may not have considered is how your furry friends may be affecting your health...in a positive way! Sit down with your kitty or your puppy on your lap and read on—you may be surprised to find out that your little buddy is good for more than just slobbery kisses!
Dogs are great for:
1. Giving you a mood boost. In fact, more than 80% of pooch owners have said they feel happier when their dog is around.
2. Improving your social life. Research shows dog walkers are more apt to meet new people when they are out for a stroll.
3. Shedding excess weight. Just like your dog, you too are getting a great workout when you hit the pavement. Dog walkers have been shown to lose an average of 14 pounds in one year.
Cats are known to:

1. Keep you relaxed. Most kitty owners will tell you their feline keeps them chilled out.
2. Safeguarding your heart. A new study shows that people who are self-proclaimed “cat people” are less likely to suffer a heart attack than those without a cat.
3. Kicking asthma to the curb. People may think all that fur might cause the opposite, but researchers say kids with kittens are likely to see an increase in immunity rather than suffer from an asthma attack.
We want to know: How does your furry friend help keep you living healthy? [Health]

Posted: 8/29/08

Our 4 dogs greet us happily every evening no matter how bad our day has been those cute faces can make it better...


My four -- yes, four (crazy cat lady, I know) -- cats can make me smile on even the worst of days. Pets are some of the best sources of unconditional love -- as long as you show them love, they will give it back to you tenfold. And I am a true believer that smiling, love and happiness are key tools in living a healthy life.