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Shop Till You Drop!

Shop Till You Drop!

You may choose your grocery store based on convenience—how close it is to work or home—but some stores are healthier overall than others.
Even though “green is the new black,” shopping local is in and “fresh produce” is on everyone’s minds, including that of grocers. Some supermarket chains go above and beyond when it comes to stocking healthy food choices that include both local and organic sources. Supporting your local farmers’ markets should usually be part of your shopping and living-healthier repertoire, but they won’t have everything and some only operate during the good-weather seasons. So, where should you go?
Not surprisingly, Whole Foods tops the list at number 1, with Trader Joe’s not far behind. There were a few surprises, however: Pathmark and Safeway. Initially, Pathmark looks like another cheap supermarket option with its namesake brand and discount prices, but it also happens to be “the largest retailer of locally grown produce in the Northeast.” Safeway is also going local and has added its own organic brand to the mix.
No matter where you go, read labels when possible and pay attention to produce signs. If you can’t identify ingredients, maybe you should look into what they are exactly. Where are those veggies coming from? How are the animals your meat comes from being raised? Buy an organic apple and a regular one, go home and compare!
Where do you do most of your grocery shopping, and have you gone the local or organic route?

Posted: 11/25/08

I've unfortunately fallen victim to the "whatever is cheaper" syndrome, but I'm trying to remember that quality trounces price.

  • By aliciak
  • on 11/27/08 10:43 AM EST

I love Trader Joe’s, and I used to shop there a lot more. I have to admit that I’ve fallen victim lately to the proximity factor. Albertson’s is right up the street, and even though Trader Joe’s isn’t that far away (maybe a 10 minute drive), it’s hard to break the convenience habit.