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Teeth with Fighting Yogurt Power!

Teeth with Fighting Yogurt Power!

If you haven't picked up a health magazine lately, here is a quick reminder that yogurt is incredibly healthy for you. It keeps your bones strong and thwarts yucky infections, and now it may be a fantastic way to prevent gum disease.
In a recent Japanese study, researchers found that about 1,000 adults who ate a significant amount of dairy products, specifically yogurt, had gums that were a healthy home to their pearly whites.
How much yogurt? It's tough to say, but making it a part of a balanced diet couldn't hurt. And here are some hard facts that may help you add yogurt to your next grocery list: One in three American adults are affected by periodontal disease when scary bacteria take a liking to their teeth and cause gum irritation. Hmm...suddenly the thought of including a cup of yogurt sounds so much more pleasing than having your gums scraped off.

We want to know: What habits have you developed to keep your chompers healthy? [Eating Well]

Posted: 9/12/08

The words "gums scraped off" just gave me the shivers. Ewwww.

  • By aliciak
  • on 10/2/08 12:12 AM EST

Karadc: I just read that strawberries do in fact help keep teeth stronger, but I am not sure if they are a factor in keeping them pearly white. But it sounds like you are on the right track! I am a weirdo about my teeth and my best habit is that no matter how tired I am, I always make it to the bathroom to brush before bed. I cannot stand the thought of junk sitting on my teeth all night. I am also a big fan of Listerine to kill all those germs. It makes my eyes water, but I get through it!


I don't know/haven't heard anything about strawberries helping to whiten your teeth. I use the Listerine whitening pre-brush rinse and that seems to help a little.


My mom always said strawberries whiten your teeth...true? False?! I probably won't find out if I keep drinking coffee all day.

  • By Karadc
  • on 9/12/08 4:16 PM EST