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Thanksgiving Recipe Contest!

Thanksgiving Recipe Contest!

Pumpkin pie, stuffing, buttery mashed potatoes, glistening turkey...

Thanksgiving isn’t exactly the healthiest holiday, even if you do take an extra helping of green beans and cranberry sauce! But then again, are holidays ever really about eating well? While it’s important to celebrate and take part in family traditions, living healthier should still be a daily activity even on big-meal days.
That doesn’t mean you’ll be eating low-fat granola bars at the dinner table come Thanksgiving. No way! But perhaps you can come up with a “healthy recipe makeover” for the big feast and enter the Reader’s Digest recipe contest. Is there a different take on stuffing that doesn’t require so much butter? A veggie dish that isn’t covered in hollandaise or cheese sauce? A dessert that packs in the flavor without packing in the calories?
Submit a recipe and photo by November 12 if you want to be in the running. On the RD site, you will find some Thanksgiving food inspiration if you’re feeling stuck, with recipes such as Tangerine Cranberry Sorbet and Mustard Green Beans. Do you have any healthy dishes from your family’s Turkey Day repertoire? Or some new ideas brewing?

Posted: 10/14/08

If you play flag football while the turkey is roasting, it totes counts!

My mom is a whiz at creating a balanced dinner on Thanksgiving Day. Yes, we have mashed potatoes, but she uses margarine and skim milk. Green beans are fresh with a little garlic and lemon. Basically, we're saving all calories for wine and pie—I mean, you have to splurge a little!

  • By kristen
  • on 10/15/08 12:58 PM EST

My goodness talking about turkey day makes me want to cook the full fat version right now. Isn't roast turkey on it's own healthy enough to balance out my sweet potatoes with marshmallows?


I'm going to do something with beets that I saw on Jamie Oliver's show. It was very simple and colorful and easy to make.