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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

What's That You're Drinking?

Every major media outlet this morning reported on this Associated Press story  that low levels of pharmaceutical drugs have been found in tap water across the country. As a result, approximately 41 million Americans may be exposed to trace amounts of antidepressants, antibiotics or sex hormones on a daily basis. To see how major cities fared in your area, check this chart here.

Coming on the heels of major recalls of beef, vegetables and even peanut butter that have been contaminated with E. Coli, this report almost comes as no surprise. The federal government doesn’t require drug testing for water and many cities failed to participate in this research, so there may be even worse news to come.    

Though water utilities say the water is safe, some research shows that wildlife exposed to these drugs, especially fish, have experienced unusual mutations as a result. Experts say that we might not find out the true effects of human exposure to these drugs for decades. And with health experts recommending  at least six to eight glasses of water a day to live healthier, that refreshing glass could be doing unintentional damage to your body.  

Are you worried about your drinking water? What do you plan to do to make sure your water is healthy to drink?

Posted: 3/10/08