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Fighting the craving
I constantly crave chocolate. I have tried to just cut it out and I can for a while but then I go on a crazy binge. When ever I get a craving I try to eat something else (because I feel hungry) and end up just snacking on a pice of bread. Is there something else I can substatue for the chocolate?
The Garcinia Cambogia extract will reduce your cravings, especially the craving for carbohydrates: Link
I am all about enjoying food you love! As soon as you restrict something it becomes more appealing. If I were you, I would allow myself a small bit of the most glorious chocolate every day. A small square and enjoy every bite.... eat it slowly, no kids around, no tv, just enjoy....
This daily action will calm your brain and need to overeat, at first it may be challenging but over time you will find that you may not even want it, or some days you "forget" to eat your treat..
It's all about balance girl, life is too short to deprive yourself..
My best,
Erin Postle
What I find helpful is to keep chocolate milk in the fridge. When I crave choclate I have some chocolate milk which is not quite as bad on the hips as chocolate.
When you crave the chocolate, are you really hungry are are you bored, sad, angry. I know most of the times I NEED junk is when I am emotionally eating and not becasue I really want it. When I get a "I need chocolate" craving I usually remind myself how thirstly I get after eating a lot of it and the idea of having to gulp down water to satify that and the constant using the bathroom at work is enough to stop me.
I try not to keep the really junky stuff in the house so if I want it, I have to get dressed, get on the buss, walk to the store and by it. Putting a negitive connotation on somethign can help you choose not to eat it.