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How do I get my body to heal?
I continue to have the same symptoms, over & over; starting about 40 years ago. They always return & I pick up a new one or two each time I have these "spells". Doctors tell me I need therapy. I am on that now. I just want to live, not spend what time I have left dealing with mind boggling symptoms. I have a GP, & a naturopapth at present. Specialist turn out not to be so special. Wouldn't listen. Same problem over & over. They know more than I do about my own body. (NOT)
Good for you to admit when something is not working for you. Healing begins with our thoughts, words, and language. If we investigate the things that we are telling ourselves, we will often find our own answers. Our subconscious mind will do what we tell it. It takes our words literally. We want to ensure that we are not bringing attention to the things that we don't want - like "symptoms", "spells", or "problems". We want to use words like "improvement", "healing", and "solutions". Our first step is deciding that we will use healing words and become solution focused. If you have not read "The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind" by Dr. Joseph Murphy, I would recommend it highly. I would also watch "The Secret" movie for an overview of the power of our thoughts. "Law of Attraction" book by Michael Losier is also a simple, straight forward tool to change your language, in a way that will be helpful to your healing. All the best in your journey...
I wish I had an answer for you. We all heal differently and we all feel differently. Like you say no one knows how you're feeling better than you and each of us has a different tolerance for pain.
The best thing you can do while your doctors try to get to the root cause of your symptoms is to be kind and gentle to your body. Try to find some quiet time every day to connect with how you're feeling. Consider starting a health journal where you write down how you're feeling at specific times, what time you ate and what you ate , how much water you drank that day, how much sleep you got, how much exercise and anything else you think might help give you insight into what might be triggering what's happening to you.
Try to get enough rest. And drink plenty of water. Keeping hydrated is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Water helps flush out toxins. Drinking water can give you more energy and can help hasten healing. I was just reading a good post with some excellent advice about how to take better care of yourself. I think you might find some of it useful:
I hope you feel better.