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Question:Vitamins or Whole Foods?

What do you think is the better option, taking your vitamins or eating nutrient-packed foods? Or is a healthy mix the best choice?

What vitamins and whole foods do you lean on to stay healthy?

Asked by carolineshannon on 10/4/08 5 Answers»


Karadc -- Make sure you are eating some food before you take your vitamins. Taking them on an empty stomach will definitely make you feel sick.

Answered by: carolineshannon on 10/7/08


I've noticed after I take a multivitamin I feel almost nauseous...does that happen to anyone else? Guess I should try to eat healthier instead.

Answered by: Karadc on 10/6/08


try to better well being,I am also beginning a new "Healthy" diet regime. I think a combination of vitamins & good whole foods are the best way in addition to the needs of your age, stress level, & gender.

Answered by: SUZANNAHA on 10/5/08


I think it's always better to get your nutrients with your foods. Plus, it's good for your teeth to chew.

Answered by: letitgo on 10/4/08


I do a little bit of both. I take a multivitamin and some supplements but I try to eat healthy as well.

My favorite supplements are b-complex (which gives me energy) and fish oil capsules, which takes my aches away! I've also heard that vitamin d supplements are good to improve bone density and fight off cancer, but i also heard too much in your body is not good. So i stick to my b-complex and fish oil!

Answered by: Cwolf112 on 10/4/08
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