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It's OK to Snack...Sometimes!

Regular old hunger will strike you throughout the day, but there are times—you know which ones—where a craving hits you like a Mac truck straight to the gut. And, when that happens, nothing but Double Stuff Oreos or Doritos will do. You've officially been snack-attacked.

But what if you could curb your hankerings and still feel satisfied? Now, that would be a win-win situation! Tune in to some of the following ways to change the way you think about food and you will be snacking yourself to weight loss in no time.

*Snack smarter.
Try stocking your pantry with low-calorie, lighter versions of your favorite eats. For example, consider swapping your Ben and Jerry’s for 80-calorie Skinny Cow Skinny Dippers.

*Schedule your splurges. If there is a particular time when you know you are going to need to indulge, then save your calories for that time. This may mean that women will want to save your treats for that time of the month when PMS strikes. And if you are a man, hold on to your urge to splurge until that stressful 4 p.m. hour at work when your boss is breathing down your neck. But don’t overdo it—a small treat is all it takes.

*Wait it out.
If the need to spoil your tummy with sweets strikes, sit it out for a bit. Doctors say most food cravings will disappear in about 20 minutes. In the mean time, chew a piece of sugar-free gum or clean the house.

Most importantly, keep in mind that sometimes you just gotta give in to your food urges. If a slice of chocolate is what you want, then eat it up and savor it. But just make sure to get back on track ASAP. Your waistline and behind will thank you! [SELF]

Posted: 5/27/08