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Dr. Mark Hyman

Dr. Mark Hyman

Physician, author and co-founder of Canyon Ranch Resort and...

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Joy Bauer

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Dr. Arthur Agatston

Author of The South Beach Diet

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Top 5 Things to Do

Winning at losing weight is not an easy game, and junk food is a constant temptation. Though there is no weight loss magic bullet, these five tips will set you on the path to a healthier you.

1. Keep your mind in check.

Cultivate a positive attitude and losing weight is only a matter of time. That means practicing positive self-talk, visualizing yourself looking and acting healthy and regarding setbacks as learning opportunities. These practices will build a mindset that will help you “walk your talk” of being someone who treats themselves well with weight-conscious daily habits.

2. Set realistic weight-loss goals.

If you set a goal weight that you haven’t seen in decades and plan to reach it in mere weeks, you’re setting yourself up for heartbreak. Make your dream weight an achievable goal. Losing weight in a healthily occurs at about one to two pounds each week. If you’ve got a lot to lose, begin with a target weight loss of no more than 10% of your current weight.

3. Exercise.

You don’t have to launch a fitness plan by running five miles each day. Begin with movement that you enjoy or may learn to enjoy. Walking, gardening, yoga and tai chi tend to be more popular among the less competitive, and can give you the weight benefits of sweatier endeavors (though they may take a little longer to do so).

4. Pick the right food lifestyle.

One of the biggest reasons that diets fail is that people over-restrict, then binge when the tension builds. Try healthy meals and snacks featuring lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and water. Eat modestly every few hours. Making small changes will add up more quickly than the deprivation-binge cycle ever will.

5. Do it with a friend.

It’s easy to feel alone in your weight loss journey. Remember that millions struggle with their weight, and there are many people who share your feelings and frustrations. Attending a local weight loss support group or checking out an online weight loss community will give you feedback, encouragement and new ideas on living lean and living well.

Posted: 11/6/07

Be consistent with your mindset.
Don't do what I did and wait til chemotherapy takes off the first 20# to decide now is the time.
EXERCISE no matter how slight at first not only helps but it gets your "endorphins in your brain up" which fights depression or the "blahs"
Remember there will be good and bad days and not to give up.

  • By Reborn
  • on 7/4/08 11:11 AM EST

I will! tbdeze

  • By tbdeze
  • on 5/6/08 3:33 PM EST