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For 4 years, my children & I were kept in the dark about their fathers' diabetes. (Physicians are forbidden to share medical information without the patient's approval.) We only learned about his condition when he had to start testing his blood sugar 3 time a day, logging the numbers.

What a tumultuous roller-coaster ride it was, having to deal with his emotional ups & downs, his depression, negativity, his complete exhaustion and then his energy level back to normal, the bouts of road rage, the abusive cursing & swearing, the impatience and criticism of his family. . . .and not knowing why.

During this period, he didn't change his diet, didn't start an exercise program, didn't try to lose weight, didn't do anything to improve his health. He insisted on all the foods that he had been eating, all the sugary pop, deserts, etc. The next thing that happened (3 years later), was a massive heart attack!!
An emergency aid van & medical technicians had come for an adjustment in their communications equipment, saw his gray coloring, took him to the emergency room, where he continued to have his heart attack. (Both the ER doctor & the hospital's coronary specialist said -- 3 of the 4 arteries to the heart were almost completely blocked. Had the van and techs not been at his work place and rushed him to emergency, he wouldn't have survived. HE SAID, it was only a mild heart attack!! The coronary doctor performed an angioplasty, which opened the clogged arteries.)

Why am I relating this experience?

Find out what is needed to control the condition.
Don't be in denial!
To the mate/partner please insist on going to doctor appointments so that you are kept current about the condition and reinforce the doctor's orders!



Asked by lilliede81 on 8/23/08 3 Answers»


Shout it louder, Or go out and reach others who have not heard of it .it is real Dr climent HERBAL Center is really doing a great works within and outside just try it and you will testify just as i am testifying now, i have this infection that lead to womb blockage and there was no hope at all the hospital i went said nothing but that there on hope for 4 years that i have waited no child then i came across Dr climent HERBAL Center now and he is a wonderful native herbalist who told me he can do it but i was scared because i have not take anything drugs natural before but since i had no child i have to comply with the rules and regulation and now am carrying my child just try it and see your time to celebrate has come . you can reach Dr climent HERBAL Center via email : drclimentscott@gmail.com +2347036879479 +2347036879479 drclimentscott@gmail.com +2347036879479 +2347036879479

Answered by: JESSICACOLE on 9/15/17


Shout it louder, Or go out and reach others who have not heard of it .it is real Dr climent HERBAL Center is really doing a great works within and outside just try it and you will testify just as i am testifying now, i have this infection that lead to womb blockage and there was no hope at all the hospital i went said nothing but that there on hope for 4 years that i have waited no child then i came across Dr climent HERBAL Center now and he is a wonderful native herbalist who told me he can do it but i was scared because i have not take anything drugs natural before but since i had no child i have to comply with the rules and regulation and now am carrying my child just try it and see your time to celebrate has come . you can reach Dr climent HERBAL Center via email : drclimentscott@gmail.com +2347036879479 +2347036879479 drclimentscott@gmail.com +2347036879479 +2347036879479

Answered by: JESSICACOLE on 9/15/17


Hi lilliede81,

Your husband sounds an awful lot like my dad. When he was diagnosed with diabetes, he ignored it and continued to eat steak and potatoes, drink wine, the whole deal. After some major heart incidents and a lengthy hospitalization, I guess he's finally been scared into living healthier. It's unfortunate it had to happen that way.

I think people are embarrassed and scared when they hear they have something like diabetes, because there are still so many stories that persist about people going blind, people losing limbs, etc...and maybe this diagnosis sort of proves that you haven't been taking care of yourself and that's just too creepy to deal with.

But you're right—you have to get out of that denial. The denial is what makes you sicker. That's why hopefully people will come to this site and realize they have nothing to be afraid of.

Thanks for sharing Lilliede81!

Answered by: LMAYO9 on 8/25/08
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