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Question:What are some diabetic-safe treats?

I have a diabetic friend who has a huge sweet tooth, but she is also trying to watch her blood sugar. Any tips?

Asked by carolineshannon on 8/30/08 6 Answers»


Shout it louder, Or go out and reach others who have not heard of it .it is real Dr climent HERBAL Center is really doing a great works within and outside just try it and you will testify just as i am testifying now, i have this infection that lead to womb blockage and there was no hope at all the hospital i went said nothing but that there on hope for 4 years that i have waited no child then i came across Dr climent HERBAL Center now and he is a wonderful native herbalist who told me he can do it but i was scared because i have not take anything drugs natural before but since i had no child i have to comply with the rules and regulation and now am carrying my child just try it and see your time to celebrate has come . you can reach Dr climent HERBAL Center via email : drclimentscott@gmail.com +2347036879479 +2347036879479 drclimentscott@gmail.com +2347036879479 +2347036879479

Answered by: JESSICACOLE on 9/15/17


Shout it louder, Or go out and reach others who have not heard of it .it is real Dr climent HERBAL Center is really doing a great works within and outside just try it and you will testify just as i am testifying now, i have this infection that lead to womb blockage and there was no hope at all the hospital i went said nothing but that there on hope for 4 years that i have waited no child then i came across Dr climent HERBAL Center now and he is a wonderful native herbalist who told me he can do it but i was scared because i have not take anything drugs natural before but since i had no child i have to comply with the rules and regulation and now am carrying my child just try it and see your time to celebrate has come . you can reach Dr climent HERBAL Center via email : drclimentscott@gmail.com +2347036879479 +2347036879479 drclimentscott@gmail.com +2347036879479 +2347036879479

Answered by: JESSICACOLE on 9/15/17


For Good Health Combo Pack Visit @ Link

Answered by: JohnKerry on 4/24/15


I can help you with Good Health Combo pack which manage the Blood Pressure and Blood Glucose level, Find @ Click Here

Answered by: JohnKerry on 4/24/15


Thank you both for the fantastic tips. These are all great things to consider, especially, for the new diabetic who has no idea how to begin! Limiting sweets is so tough, but it is good to know that there is help out there. Looking forward to sharing your advice with her! (:

Answered by: carolineshannon on 9/18/08


My mom is diabetic and this site is really good for tasty recipes: Link You can also experiment with sugar subs in regular recipes and see what works.

Answered by: SunnySide on 9/8/08
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