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J.D. Biersdorfer

J.D. Biersdorfer

Columnist and author of iPod: The Missing Manual

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Tony Bove

Tony Bove

Journalist, columnist and co-author of iPod & iTunes for Dummies...

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Brad Miser

Brad Miser

Author of more than 30 books including Absolute Beginner's...

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Everywhere It's NPR

We love our iPods. We also love NPR.

In the car, in the kitchen, in the office. We can drive our co-workers and family members crazy with NPR. It's always with us. After all, it was such a comfort in the Walkman age when some tragedy would occur and we could listen to the broadcasts.

But, those were just the days of local public-radio access. Besides we don't have a Walkman anymore.

So what is the old adage? Ask and ye shall receive? Well, we did and we have…received, that is. The Public Radio Tuner!!

Jake Shapiro of PRX, or the Public Radio Exchange, has helped develop the Public Radio Tuner for the iPhone and the iPod Touch. That's a product that makes us ecstatic. Perhaps you, too?

All the main public-radio networks had a hand in the development support for this cool app. Imagine what any industry could accomplish if friendly competitors would work together.

Read all about it.

Posted: 3/4/09

Too cool!