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Get Granny an iPod Pronto

The myth of the iPod affecting the pacemaker is over. And science is on the side of the iPod. A past (and highly publicized) study, which was originally published in the journal Heart Rhythm, claimed the iPod interfered with pacemakers—but recent tests prove otherwise.
The most current research from the scientists at Children’s Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School tested four types of music players and found no effect on the “instrinsic function” of pacemakers or implantable cardioverter defibrillators, according to The New York Times. The only snag occurred when the devices were being programmed. (Note: Don’t hold your iPod while your doc is programming your heart device.)
If you’re not convinced yet, the FDA did it’s own study and concluded, “that no interference effects can occur in pacemakers exposed to the iPod devices we tested.”
So now that you are slowly become an iPod king or queen, bring the rest of the family into the fold. And let them get in on the fun! [The New York Times]