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Our Mastering the iPod Experts

J.D. Biersdorfer

J.D. Biersdorfer

Columnist and author of iPod: The Missing Manual

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Tony Bove

Tony Bove

Journalist, columnist and co-author of iPod & iTunes for Dummies...

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Brad Miser

Brad Miser

Author of more than 30 books including Absolute Beginner's...

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

iPod: the New Computer

iPod: the New Computer

You and your iPod, you’re best buddies. A pair that’s together everywhere, with movies and music by your side. Just what you want for accessing the internet, emailing and… well, everything you use your Mac computer for!

Because you can take it all with you, thanks to the iPod touch or the iPhone, this may be the beginning of a trend of mini-computers from Apple—but don’t think it’s just a corporate idea for boosting profits. 60% of iPod customers surveyed said their next purchase would be a touch, and 68% of those interested in a cell phone and music player combo chose the iPhone. The modern multi-tasker doesn’t want multiple devices to get the job done. And jamming to your favorite Fall Out Boy tune will definitely give you the motivation to finish that project.

While the iPhone service plan covers payment for internet usage, the iPod touch has free Wi-Fi, a feature that may be standard on iPods of the future. The remodeling process has started, but don’t expect anything too soon. Apple waits on advancement of microchip technology that will allow storage in smaller areas and room for a bigger screen, much easier for computer-like tasks. If the new generation of iPods sports the same great quality with many additional features, would you be a fan? [CNet]

Posted: 5/7/08