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Your Infinite Playlist

Your Infinite Playlist

In honor of the new romantic comedy Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist (which hits theaters October 3), we want to know what is on our readers’ iPods and other portable music devices.

In the movie, Nick O’Leary (Michael Cera) sends mixed CDs to his ex-girlfriend, hoping he can win her back. Though she doesn’t appreciate the gesture, her friend Norah Silverberg (Kat Dennings) does and develops a crush on Nick even before she meets him, all due to the music.

Here at First30Days, we are rockin’ out to a pretty diverse playlist:

  • Cold War Kids-Mexican Dogs
  • Britney Spears-Womanizer
  • Fleet Foxes-Sun It Rises
  • Sweet and Low-Augustana
  • Dave Matthews Band- So Much to Say
  • Kanye West- Love Lockdown

What is on your “infinite playlist?” Are there any songs that really get you excited about fall? Let us know what you are groovin' to!

Posted: 10/3/08

Yeah, Fleet Foxes! I just saw them in Austin recently...killer show.

  • By kristen
  • on 10/15/08 4:46 PM EST

I'm recently listening to a lot of Andrew Bird, Regina Spektor, MGMT and Fleet Foxes. (Yay Fleet Foxes!)

  • By aliciak
  • on 10/9/08 1:35 PM EST

The last song I listened to on my iPod was "Smoke and Mirrors" by RJD2. If you haven't heard of RJD2, you should check him out. He does not get nearly enough credit/recognition.


Iron and Wine always make me think of sitting around a campfire listening to someone play guitar.


NIN "The Slip"


Justin Timberlake's "FutureSex/LoveSounds" album always makes think of fall because it came out during one of my Fall semesters at college. His smooth voice just sounds like multi-colored leaves to me.


The minute I put something on my iPod, I stop listening to it. It's like putting a picture on my wall. I never see it again. But, my sons borrow my iPod and hear what I like.

  • By cobber
  • on 10/6/08 3:01 PM EST

I like Fleetwood Mac


I like big band anytime, but especially in the fall, leading up the holidays when I start playing the crooners like Perry Como, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby, Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald, of course. Their voices are smooth and warm.

  • By bstarr
  • on 10/5/08 10:31 AM EST

I'm stealing all these suggestions because my playlists are so old! I need to make a good playlist that makes me feel fallish.

  • By Karadc
  • on 10/5/08 12:09 AM EST

The new Cold War Kids is like candy for my ears. Also loving MGMT and Black Kids.

  • By kristen
  • on 10/4/08 10:28 AM EST

I LOVE Kanye West. The only modern stuff I have is some Britney Spears and Kanye...and Jordin Sparks "One Step at a Time" i love that song. I'm warming up to Santogold and M.I.A....though their music is sort of lacking melody. We need to bring back M.J. Lourdes542. His stuff is great!

  • By LMAYO9
  • on 10/4/08 9:36 AM EST

I'm listening to a lot of old stuff, since I'm so unhappy with modern music. I've recently become obsessed with Ben Folds. I especially like the song "One Angry Dwarf and 200 Solemn Faces" and "Philosophy." Also, I love Michael Jackson songs, no matter the drama around him. PYT is one of the greatest songs ever made.