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Question:Does anyone know if there is a way to set your iPod to make shuffle more random?

It seems when it's on shuffle it will pay songs in the same sequence.

Asked by coleman on 10/1/08 3 Answers»


Hmm I've noticed that happening too. I think I turned mine off and on so that it wouldn't "remember" that sequence?

Answered by: aliciak on 10/9/08


I'll give it a try Kiki76. Thanks for the tip!

Answered by: coleman on 10/1/08


No. Shuffle is random, but it will also "clue in" to the music you listen to the most...so if you keep forwarding to the same bands/songs over and over, you'll feel like you always hear the same thing.

Try the Genius function in ITunes to find some new music you'll love!

Answered by: Kiki76 on 10/1/08
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