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Question:My dream is to be a wife and mother- but I feel I am running out of time and I am very sad about this. See details...

My dream is to be a wife and mother. I feel more focused on being a mother (I've never been married)and feel under the pressure of time (I am 35). I feel uninterested in advancing anything else in life as I feel that to be a good mother I must leave room for children (even those I do not have). I limit my goals and have no other dreams for myself (though I am accomplished in my field). My anticipatory grief is almost self-fulfilling as I am withdrawn and very sad lately. I am in a relationship- but am uninspired there as well. I already know he has immobile sperm, but he is a very nice man.

I feel stuck and turned inward. I want change.

any advice?

Asked by wiserdoctor on 12/21/08 Answer»