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Jennifer Cohen

Senior leadership consultant and the founder and Principal...

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Julia Stoel-Legro

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Mike Dooley

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If you have questions about this change, you're in the right place. Our editors, experts, and community of change optimists have answers!

Answer: My name is April, and I base in New Orleans, USA My life is back!!! After 5 months of Broken marriage, my Husband left me when i was pregnant . I...
Answered by Realspell More»
Answer:Decent wages for people without education, Make all people feel they are important, no matter what their job.
Answered by mslolo More»
Answer:I haven't won anything for over 18 years, but I can still wish for it too happen again. Of course that means I would have to actually go out and play...
Answered by AngelNaphtalie More»
Answer:HI Disciple127, I think its really brave of you to come on here and state that you want to make a change! I find that oftentimes we let our age or history...
Answered by runnindownadream More»
Answer:I'm very fortunate in that I have a lot of very successful and hard-working friends. When I spend time with someone who spends 50 hours a week working...
Answered by runnindownadream More»
Answer:Try and find one of those exercises that help you assess your strengths and weaknesses.
Answered by bstarr More»
Answer:Oops... I made a mistake in the last paragraph, I said: "I suggest staying away from paid services unless you really know what you're doing and are...
Answered by mwilson51 More»