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Question:Where does your encouragment come from?

Do you have a friend, partner or mentor who keeps you motivated as you're pursuing a dream? How has that person helped you to stay focused?

Tell us what helps you remain encouraged as you go.

Asked by kristen on 9/16/08 2 Answers»


I'm very fortunate in that I have a lot of very successful and hard-working friends. When I spend time with someone who spends 50 hours a week working to improve the city, has just published an article in a major newspaper, or written a novel, it makes me want to do a good job, too. It's not about competition, its about them showing me that it's possible.

Answered by: runnindownadream on 10/6/08


I feel like a lot of my friends encourage me, whether they know it or not. It's not that they are spouting off wise tidbits, but more a case of loving them, enjoying life because of all the wonderful people in it, and wanting to pursue dreams because of them. It's wanting to succeed for personal reasons, but also in the eyes of others. If I know I am hanging out with someone later in the day, I'm motivated to get all my work done, do chores etc.

Answered by: SunnySide on 9/18/08
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